Welcome to our website and study. This website has been created to be used as a tool and connection point for the women of our study, and be as informative and fun as our group! May we honor our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus as we seek His face and live for Him -- God bless you as you study His Word.

Press Pause Principle

P urpose in your heart to pause

A ttend to the moment

U nderstand why and what you do

S trategize ways to make changes

E xecute new ways to think, feel and act

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving
Psalm 100

Fill My Cup Lord (video song and lyrics)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


1 Corinthians 13:5 [Love] does not seek its own...
What does it mean to not “seek your own” when looking at it from a perspective of dealing with your own health and food?

Interestingly, the Greek word used for seek, “zeteo”, has one interpretation as “to crave”.

When we are trying hard to take care of our bodies through proper nutrition, sometimes we crave foods that aren’t the best thing for us to eat. I’m not talking about the occasional serving of dessert or slice of pizza that is eaten with intentionality, balanced in with the rest of a reasonable day’s menu. I’m talking about those late night trips to the freezer for a half-gallon of that ice cream that’s calling your name in a seductive Barry White voice (gotta love that commercial). I’m talking about that third helping of mashed potatoes or second (or third… or fourth…) donut. I’m talking about eating because it tastes so good we just want more and more, not because we’re even hungry.

Are we seeking our own when we eat/drink whatever, without regard to how it will affect our health in the short and long term? How is that loving our bodies? Do we elevate the importance of that craving above just about anything else at that moment, justifying it, only to within the hour regret our decision and say “Why did I just eat that?”

What do you think “self-seeking” means when dealing with your relationship to food?

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to think about taking care of your body from the perspective of taking care of someone else. Would you let your child eat a box of donuts every day? Probably not. So it helps me to think that I'm responsible for my body and what I feed it, and that if I love myself enough to take care of me, I should learn how to take care of myself well.
